Welcome to the Soft Matter Interfaces and Energy Laboratory in the Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Maryland, headed by Dr. Siddhartha Das. The main research focus of the group is to devise new theoretical and numerical models to explain different fascinating physical phenomena related to soft matter and interfaces. Our research endeavour range from better understanding the colloidal dynamics in an ubiquitous drying coffee drop and the response of an elastomer to surface tension forces to pinpointing the interplay of rheology and electrohydrodynamics in relevant biophysical and micro-nanofluidic problems. The group is also involved in extensive collaborations in several projects with strong experimental components — the main focus of the group for such problems is to clearly identify and hypothesize the central phenomena dictating the experimental observations.
Cheerios Effect (Photo Credit: David Duprey/Associated Press)
March 2025: Paper Accepted in LANGMUIR
In this single-authored paper, I study the manner in which the use of active fluids…
February 2025: Paper Accepted in Macromolecules
In this paper, we show how the use of Na-TFSI salt with POEM SPE improves…
February 2025: Paper Accepted in ACS Applied Polymer Materials
In this paper, we report a non-linear increase in electroosmotic transport in nanochannels grafted with…
February 2025: Paper Accepted in Physics of Fluids
In this paper, we study the effect of active liquids in altering the Nusselt number…
November 2024: Prof. Das delivers an invited talk at the Catholic University of America
Prof. Das delivers an invited talk at the Catholic University of America titled “Soft and…
November 2024: Paper accepted in Advanced Functional Materials
This is a collaborative paper with the research groups of Prof. Po-Yen Chen and Prof….